I just wanted you to know that this assignment got me out of a traffic ticket this morning.
La Cienega was shutdown to due an accident and I was trapped. So, I made a u-turn which included driving over a curbed median. A motorcycle cop pulled me over and gave me a lecture about how this isn't Texas (I have texas plates) and "cowboy driving" is not acceptable....whatever that means. So I told him that I had to get to campus for the mid- term and I had a limited amount of time to complete the homework assignment. I pulled out assignment #3 to make my story credible and he took it with him when he went back to his motorcycle.
When he came back he told me that it seemed like the assignment was going to be enough punishment and he let me go.
La Cienega was shutdown to due an accident and I was trapped. So, I made a u-turn which included driving over a curbed median. A motorcycle cop pulled me over and gave me a lecture about how this isn't Texas (I have texas plates) and "cowboy driving" is not acceptable....whatever that means. So I told him that I had to get to campus for the mid- term and I had a limited amount of time to complete the homework assignment. I pulled out assignment #3 to make my story credible and he took it with him when he went back to his motorcycle.
When he came back he told me that it seemed like the assignment was going to be enough punishment and he let me go.
"숙제만으로도 충분한 처벌이 된 것 같다." ㅋㅋㅋ
USC의 부동산개발학 석사과정의 얘기랍니다.
별 관계없는 얘기지만, USC는 캘리의 어려운 경제 때문에 경쟁하는 주립대들이 찌그러져서 오히려 학생수급이나 교수 채용에서 유리할지 아니면 망가지는 캘리 경제의 어려움에 같이 고통을 겪고 있는지 궁금하네요. 재작년인가 교수 채용하면서 자기네는 하버드를 경쟁상대로 삼고있다는 식으로 멘트를 날려서 약간의 비웃음을 사기도 했죠. 하긴 예전에 김태희나오는 하버드 학생들 드라마 찍을 때 USC에서 찍기는 했습니다만.
캘리주립대는 해고는 물론이고, 10개 캠퍼스 중에 하나를 문닫는 것도 논의중이라는군요.
소스는 http://real-estate-and-urban.blogspot.com/2009/07/rigors-of-usc-masters-in-real-estate.html